Monday, December 21, 2009

Inaugural Blog

Many people ask, why set up a blog? Right now, as I am writing this, I ask myself that very same question. Also, I am asking myself if I still have any cheesecake in the fridge.

Well I have many rants and musings that my friends, for one reason or another, just choose not to engage in. Many a night has been spent in preponderance over a brewski or some other libation as to what Ken thinks in these situations. Most of the time my thoughts and feelings are unwarranted and unsolicited so why not start a blog? Now when people come to this site they know exactly what they are getting: the musings of a Caucasian, 26 year old, suburban Chicagonite, who is about 6’4 and weighs roughly 5 tons. (Ok so it’s not really 5 tons, but 4.8 is close enough)

The second reason to start a blog is because my friend (and fellow blogger I guess now), Sara Dworianyn also has her blog, located at (????) and I am nothing but a plagiarizer so why should I let her have all the fun? Those two reasons (also the goading of my BFF 4 LIFE! Thank you Paris Hilton without words like yours I would have no idea what to refer to him by) have inspired me to write down the many ill formed mangling jumbled ideas that spawn from my brain. Seriously it’s scary up there.

So with that being I guess there is no theme to this blog. One day there might be some posting about the latest movie I watched or just some random rant on what a Christian did to piss me off that particular day, oh don’t worry the war on Christmas is coming soon. It’s as if I feel that there aren’t enough ways to get what Ken is thinking for the world to explore, I mean facebook, twitter, and other various social networking sites which will at this time be referred to as pedophilia made easy, just don’t really provide the world with enough ways for me to express what is currently on my mind ever single second. I mean I could get personal, like say how I am writing this while rubbing the head of my penis, but let’s face it, no one wants to read that kind of constant update. Ken is currently masturbating to furry porn. I mean come on how lame is that.

A note though. I have the WORST grammatical errors that you will see, (I personally didn’t have the wonderful government program “No Child Left Behind” when I went to school, so public education just failed me) I promise to re-read and try to fix them all before posting, please, PLEASE, do not respond with asinine comments that fix the grammar in every single sentence. Also, I go on tangents, and I am a little long winded so those two things you should know before deciding a return trip back to this page.

So there it is, the introduction to me and the inaugural blog. Personally I feel this process went very well, much better than President Obama’s Inaugural address, I mean shit, I even found a way to throw furry porn in here, what did he have, Change? Loser

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